Why WAM is needed at the CLC Convention, May 8-12, 2023

by Barry Weisleder

The current labour leadership is failing the working class.  This seemingly harsh judgment is supported by a sober reflection on the major challenges facing humanity especially concerning hyper-inflation, war, and the environment.

As grocery bills continue to go through the roof, the Canadian Labour Congress presents no plan of action to freeze prices, let alone to nationalize the giant, profit-gouging, monopoly food chains.

The threat of nuclear holocaust looms as the inter-imperialist conflict between NATO and Russia over Ukraine escalates.  While Ottawa spends ever more on fighter jets and war ships, New Democratic Party and CLC tops ask only for more domestic jobs in the building of weapons of destruction.  As a partner in the Supply and Confidence pact that props up the Liberal minority federal government, the NDP guarantees passage of Liberal budgets that stoke the war machine.

While more people globally suffer death due to heat prostration and famine, union leaders back pipelines and extensive carbon extraction projects.  The truth is that there are no jobs under ten metres of rising sea water. 

Radical change is needed, but a democratic deficit is robbing humanity of a decent future.

In British Columbia, Anjali Appadurai doubled the membership of the BC NDP, but the party brass and key union leaders decided to disqualify Anjali, leaving only one candidate in the race for Leader, a pro-capitalist NDP Cabinet Minister.

In Ontario, when it was high time to replace leader Andrea Horwath, NDP officials, minus any visible dissent from union heads, placed high financial barriers at the entry level, leaving only one candidate for ONDP leader.  So, they conducted a leader confirmation ballot, but have yet to release the vote count!

Again, in Ontario, 55,000 CUPE education workers bravely defied Premier Doug (the Thug) Ford’s anti-strike law in November, forcing him to withdraw it.  But union tops did not push the struggle to increase staffing in schools, so sorely needed.

In New Brunswick, Tory Premier Blaine Higgs introduced legislation to make it more difficult for workers to strike.  No mass job action has occurred to beat back the attack.

Workers are joining unions, voting for positive change (evident today in OPSEU).  But missing is a coordinated class struggle workers’ leadership across the board.

That’s what the Workers’ Action Movement (WAM) seeks to build, and there’s no time to waste.

WAM says:  Nationalize the profiteer big retail chains, banks, telecoms, giant landlords and resource corporations, under workers’ and community control.  Smash anti-labour laws with general strikes.  Solidarity with workers in France, Britain and Portugal engaged in mass action.  Cancel the purchase of Fighter Jets.  Disband NATO and the Core Group that rules Haiti.  Lift the sanctions on Syria and Venezuela.  No to concessions bargaining.  Raise the minimum wage to $25/hour.  Fight for democracy in unions and the NDP.  Put the Movement back into the Labour Movement!  Elect WAM candidates to the CLC Executive in Montreal in May.

The next WAM zoom is on Sunday, March 26, 1 p.m. Eastern time.


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