WAM Candidate for OFL Secretary-Treasurer
Daniel Tarade is a 27-year old scientist, university lecturer, and community organizer living in Toronto. He and his parents arrived in Canada as refugees of the Bosnian war and settled in Windsor, Ontario.
Growing up with a brother with Type 1 diabetes, and inspired by the University of Toronto scientists who discovered Insulin, Daniel pursued a career in science. The process of obtaining a PhD in Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology at the University of Toronto radicalized Daniel.
The ‘proud’ Canadian tradition of putting profit before worker and societal well-being extends to the sciences. Brian Mulroney’s Progressive Conservative government privatized the publicly-owned Connaught Labs in 1986. Instead of fighting for a strong, publicly-owned and scientist-led pharmaceutical industry, our federal and provincial governments today throw billions at for-profit pharmaceutical companies that exploit the sick.
This led Daniel to turn to organizing, where he advocates, as a solution to the present crisis, a real economic democracy.
As Secretary-Treasurer of the OFL, Daniel will draw on his working-class roots and experiences, and seek to put the Movement back into the Labour Movement.
Daniel's father worked in a non-unionized feeder plant in Windsor, where awful working conditions and poverty wages destroyed his body and left his family scrambling when the automobile factories began outsourcing to countries with even fewer labour protections. Daniel fights to organize unorganized workers and to put workers in control when owners abandon communities.
Daniel heard horror stories from his nurse mother. She worked in private long-term care and faced limitations on the number of diapers, gloves and sheets she could use, so that the bosses could squeeze more profit out of our elderly and disabled friends, family, and neighbours. Daniel fights for public control over long-term care! Get profit out of healthcare! Mobilize the working class to defend healthcare workers from both neoliberal budget cuts and reactionary anti-vax mobs.
As a teaching assistant (CUPE Local 4580) at the University of Windsor, Daniel was paid half the wage of more senior assistants doing the same work. Daniel challenges two-tier wages and benefits.
As a grocery store clerk during the pandemic (CUPE Local 1281), Daniel suffered dangerous working conditions exacerbated by a government that prioritized business as usual above worker safety. Daniel calls for mass labour mobilization to ensure safety for all workers during and after the pandemic!
As a lecturer at the University of Toronto (CUPE Local 3902), Daniel experiences first-hand how our public institutions become corporate-controlled, underpay workers, and invest billions in infrastructure projects that undermine Indigenous self-determination and threaten environmental catastrophe. Daniel fights for public institutions that serve the public, not the privileged few. This includes our unions too, which are begging for a democratic revolution!