Federal Workers say No to Concessions

One of the largest public sector strikes in Canadian history is well underway. Over 155,000 workers have stood up and said “enough is enough” by walking off the job.

The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) is asking for a 13.5 percent raise over three years to keep pace with inflation. However, the employer’s last offer was only 9 percent over three years, which amounts to a wage cut given recent inflation levels.

The result of the PSAC strike will directly impact other public service unions and the entire organized labour movement in Canada. Their achievements will influence countless bargaining tables in the future. It will also indirectly impact the wages of millions of workers who are not unionized and who work in precarious jobs.

Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau instructed the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) to bargain hard, as big businesses are pressing him not to set a precedent for wage increases. This is outrageous, as profits of corporations have skyrocketed during the pandemic, while inflation has hit workers the hardest.

Labour should leverage this strike.  The Canadian Labour Congress, with support from large unions, those inside and others such as UNIFOR, outside the CLC, should move towards mass solidarity strike action, up t and including a general strike.

The labour based-New Democratic Party (NDP) should take a leading role in the fight for working class wage recovery. The NDP should immediately end the Confidence and Supply agreement that backs the minority Liberal government, which is leading the business offensive against PSAC and all workers.

Only an independent NDP, free from the influence of the business class can serve the interests of the working class. Workers need a strong, united front to fight for better wages, decent working conditions, and job security for all. The NDP should step up and lead that struggle.

We say: 

  • Fight Austerity, Precarious Work, Inequality, and Concessions Bargaining. 

  • No to NDP support for the Liberal government. Victory to PSAC! 

  • Build on the valiant struggle of striking federal public service workers! 

  • For a General Strike to Dump Trudeau.  Fight for a Workers’ Government!

For more information, contact: 

Workers’ Action Movement 


workersactionmovement.com     workersactionmovement@gmail.com     647-986-1917


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