Breaking news: OPSEU, representing 180,000 workers, has endorsed Julius Arscott for OFL Secretary-Treasurer!

Julius is the only candidate who is actively in solidarity with the Palestinian people demanding Ceasefire Now, End the Occupation, and who campaigns to End NATO's Proxy War in Ukraine, Disband NATO, for Homes Not Drones, Water bombers Not fighter jets, No concessions bargaining, No two-tier wages/benefits, for a General Strike to Dump Thug Ford.

If you can help with outreach, fund-raising, writing, literature design and production, staffing of the WAM display table at the OFL Convention, please contact WAM as soon as possible.


Elect Julius Arscott for Secretary-Treasurer of the OFL


WAM it to the Bosses! Elect Julius Arscott - OFL Secretary-Treasurer