A Look Back: Growing support for WAM at OFL 2019 Convention!!!

It's undeniable.  The Workers' Action Movement made a major impact on the Ontario Federation of Labour Convention in Toronto, November 25 – 29, 2019.  We are thrilled with our positive results.

WAM played a leading role in defeating a constitution amendment to hold OFL Conventions every 3 years instead of the existing frequency of every 2 years. The change would have further undermined the democratic process in our labour movement, further weakening our ability to take on the Doug Ford-led Tories and their Bay Street backers. This was a big blow to the labour bureaucracy, which usually gets its way.   WAM candidate for OFL President, Barry Conway of CUPE Local 5167 received 36% of the 899 votes cast, and WAM candidate for OFL Executive Vice-President, Kurt Young, from Sheet Metal Workers' Local 30, received 33.5% out of 869 votes cast. Barry's support doubled from the 2017 OFL convention when he ran independently for President. This substantial vote for each of the two WAM candidates was no accident, but set a new high water mark for class struggle politics in the Ontario labour movement. 

The mood in the convention was electric around the debate centered on the so-called ‘Action Plan’. Our supporters were able to extend the time for debate on the Plan of Action until every delegate who wished to speak on it was able to do so. We narrowly lost a vote to include General Strike action language in the text. WAM once again played a leading role in organizing a response on the floor, working alongside allies and friends to challenge business unionism in a way not seen at an Ontario labour convention in many years.

Establishment forces, led by high school teacher Patty Coates who won the presidency, were visibly shaken by the sizable support shown for the WAM ticket.  WAM campaigned for an end to concessions bargaining, two-tier wages, undemocratic union practices, and for building towards a general strike to "Dump Thug Ford."  (See  http://www.theWAM.ca )

During the convention, dozens of delegates signed up to join WAM. 

We will be holding a conference in early March 2020 to plan a campaign with policies and candidates for leading positions in the Canadian Labour Congress, which will be elected at the CLC Convention to be held in Vancouver, May 4-8, 2020.  WAM supporters should strive now to become delegates to this important convention. We also encourage supporters to build a chapter of WAM in your local and national union, in regional labour bodies and labour councils.

A big thanks goes out to everyone who helped and propelled our remarkable campaign at the OFL. 

Please let us know what you think.  Donations are welcome too! Send cash or a cheque to: Workers Action Movement, 100 Bain Avenue, Unit 2 Pines, Toronto, Ontario M4K 1E8. Send a bank e-transfer to: workersactionmovement@gmail.com, as we get ready to shoulder the tasks ahead.

We look forward to working with you all again soon!

In Solidarity,

The Workers Action Movement


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