Announcing to Run as WAM Candidate for OFL Executive
Julius Arscott, Workers Action Movement
It's with excitement that I announce my run as the workers action movement (WAM) candidate for Secretary Treasurer of the Ontarion Federation of Labour at the upcoming convention in November!
Across the country and around the world there is a labour awakening. Strikes to contend with the rising cost of living and growing job insecurity are shaking the establishment. From giant grocery chains to sprawling dockyards, from federal public services to salt mines, to railway car makers, to liquor stores, to movie and TV production sets, workers are standing up. Who will be next to take job action: teachers, truck drivers, nurses, auto workers?
Many who choose to strike do so only after turning down flawed tentative agreements recommended by conservative union leaders. Meanwhile the bosses bank billions in profit and serve the interests of the war mongering, nature-destroying ruling capitalist class.
Isn't it time to WAM it to the bosses and the bureaucrats?
More details to come soon!
In Solidarity,
Julius Arscott